This is us!

Personal travel is a Cusco-based tourism company with more then 10 years of experience in developing tourism that promotes Andean identity  and aims to improve the living conditions of local communities. Our corporate philosophy is basd  on the Andean culture principles of:









Our 5 commandments






We are a family business, a family that is brought together, every day more, by our hearts. Every action that we take as individuals, as a family and as a compay is based on thes 5 basic values:


Personal Travel Experience creates uniquely customized programs that enliven, enrich, and educate our participants while supporting and improving the lives of the people in the local communities we serve and explore.

Everything we do is with reverence to Pachamama (Mother Earth). We create unique and memorable travel experiences for travelers that allow them to interact with local communities, putting into practice our guiding principles of MunayYachayLlankay, and Ayni, in order to achieve what is known in Quechua as Sumak Kawsay, Good and Wholesome Living.


Personal Travel Experience’s vision is to be a resolute leader in responsible and sustainable tourism, with a deep commitment to ensuring that tourism preserves and protects the cultural heritage of Cusco and the surrounding communities. We envision tourism to be an extraordinarily positive experience for everyone!

Certifications & awards