Custom Programs

Personal Travel Experience excels in creating tailor-made itineraries for groups of any size. We specialize in designing highly personalized programs that not only share the magical wonders of ancient Peru, but also leave a positive impact on the people and places we visit.

Our strength lies in our diverse and extensive connections with the local communities in which we live, serve, and travel. With these relationships, we are able to provide you with a unique experience that not only allows you to be touched by the people of our ancestral home, but also gives you the opportunity to touch their lives as well. In this way, we believe that tourism has the capacity to be something extraordinary for both host and traveler.

Don’t just travel to take something home with you. Travel with Personal Travel Experience to leave something positive behind!

creating custom programs

Creating a customized program is easy, and provides you with the chance to get the most out of your travel experience. Here’s how we do it:

Step 1: Think about your objectives, desires, and limitations are for a trip to Peru. What do you hope to come away with it? What kind of activities do you want to have? Visits to cultural and historical sites? Interactions with local people? Active travel? Are there places you must visit (for example, Machu Picchu)? How close to the people and their culture do you want to get? Do you have any special needs? Write your intentions to become more clear on what it is you’re looking for.

Step 2: Consider your maximum budget and the length of time you have to travel. This information will form the framework in which we can create your personalized itinerary.

Step 3: Start the conversation with us! Let us know what you’re thinking and share your intentions with us. Not sure where to begin? Call us to discuss, and let us share our expertise and guidance.

Step 4: With the information you share with us, we will develop and send to you a proposed itinerary. We may go back and forth to verify that what we are proposing fits your travel style and budget, etc.

Step 5: Once the itinerary meets your approval, we solidify all of the elements of your program – accommodations, local transportation, activities, meals, airport transfers, etc.

So, what would you like to do?

The form below will help us to get started with your personalized itinerary: